The Power of Sankalpa: A Story That Fills My Heart

Do you know what a sankalpa is? How it works? And that it actually does?

Let me share a story that gave me goosebumps and brought tears to my eyes.

Sankalpa is more than just an intention or a resolution—it is a heartfelt vow rooted in the wisdom of Sanskrit. The word originates from two components: San, meaning "a connection with the highest truth," and Kalpa, meaning "vow." Together, Sankalpa represents an affirming resolve to achieve something profound, often with a spiritual focus.

Unlike traditional resolutions, a Sankalpa is not about striving for something external. It is a commitment to align with your inner truth, a seed of intention planted within, nurtured by your belief and practice. It’s not a goal or a wish, but a promise to yourself—a resolution spoken as though it’s already true. When nurtured with belief, focus, and trust, this intention begins to take root, creating profound shifts in your life.

One of my students shared something incredible with me recently. She told me she’d been using the same sankalpa during yoga nidra for some time now. Quietly, consistently, and with deep conviction, she repeated it to herself. And then, one day, it came true.

Hearing this filled my heart to the brim. It’s moments like these that make teaching so beautiful and so special. When a student shares something as deeply personal as their sankalpa and how it manifested in their life, it feels like witnessing a small miracle.

But here’s the thing: it’s not about anything I’ve done. All I did was provide the information, the setting, and the opportunity. The rest—the belief, the intention, the transformation—came entirely from her. It was her heart’s work, her inner magic.

And this isn’t the first time I’ve heard stories like this. Time and again, my students have shared the profound impact of setting a sankalpa. Each time, I’m reminded of the quiet power within all of us to create change, simply by aligning with our heart’s deepest truth.

So, what is your heart’s intention?
What seed of truth would you like to plant and nurture in your life?

The beauty of sankalpa lies in its simplicity and its power. It invites us to pause, reflect, and align with who we are at our core. If you haven’t tried it yet, perhaps this is your sign.

Magic only has power if you believe in it.

As Swami Satyananda Saraswati writes in Meditations from the Tantras:

"A resolve or sankalpa is made during the practice of yoga nidra. It should be something of immense importance to you. Resolves are short sentences of moral significance to be embedded in the subconscious such as 'I resolve to stop smoking.' In the state of yoga nidra passivity, this autosuggestion is very powerful. Such resolves can change your whole life. They will certainly come true if you repeat your resolve with enough conviction. By this method you can change old habits and cure certain mental illnesses. Sankalpas can have a spiritual objective like 'I shall become more aware.' Your sankalpa or resolve should be repeated several times during the practice."

— Swami Satyananda Saraswati, Meditations from the Tantras, Bihar School of Yoga, 1983


Trusting the Magic of the Moment